This is what happens when you don’t have a granny smith apple; it turns into a blog post. I’m a creature of ritual, especially when it comes to morning routine. It goes something like this. The alarm sounds at 4:45 am, I roll out of bed, feed the dogs and start the coffee. I drink one and a half cups of coffee by 5:30 as I read the first section of the morning paper. By then my wife, Pam, is showered and we head out the door for our thirty minute walk with the dogs.
When we return I make our breakfast which is typically some form of either steel cut oats or quinoa. Come fall, granny smith apples become the added fruit but this morning we were out of apples. Hmmm…thus it became necessary to improvise with out oatmeal this morning. So I decided to try a yam that was sitting on the counter. Wipe that sneer off your face! It came out really well since yams have a sweet edge to them. I added in some nutmeg, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and then local honey on top for a great breakfast. Give it a try and don’t be afraid to work outside the box! Sometimes you’ll stumble onto something pretty good.