Last Friday I celebrated a birthday. In my life only a few birthdays distinctly stand out in my mind. This year I decided to go on an overnight backpacking trip. I invited some friends to go along but it didn’t work out with anybody’s schedule. For a few days I debated about going and then just decided to go it alone. It’s funny how many people inquired whether that was a wise thing to do.
I’ve spent considerable time in the outdoors but had never done a solo overnight backpacking trip. I felt the solitude would be a good thing. I did all the safe things in case you are wondering. I left a map and itinerary at home with my family. I left my food in a bear bag hanging on a line away from my tent. And I even had some neighbors in the vicinity at Rogers Peak Lake in the James Peak Wilderness.
I had trouble sleeping the night before I left. I love it that I still get so excited like a little boy over some things. It is like a message that I’m still young in my heart and my spirit. I hope I never grow old in my spirit. I left early enough to hit the trail at 5:02 am and I got across the Continental Divide Trail in time to make camp before noon. Along the way on the trip in I would occasionally stop and jot down some things I was grateful for. I had decided this year to begin a new birthday tradition. I would make note of things I was grateful for; one for each year I was celebrating. I tried to limit it to one or just a few words. What is on the list is important to me. Some things represent a life lived. Some things represent current events in my life. I’m still not done with the exercise as I am three words short. I’ll finish it shortly as I think it is an exercise that is cause for reflection and not hurriedness.
In all the trip was wonderful. My biggest concern was not a bear or mountain lion. In the real world of wildlife, wild animals like to remain wild and unseen. I was blessed to see deer, elk, many marmots, a white tailed ptarmigan and a monster of a porcupine. I was concerned about getting down from the divide before storms set in. Lightning at 11,500 feet would be unsettling. I was grateful to be at my camp just before threatening storms.
As I came out on Saturday morning I was content, calm and happy. It had been an enriching trip. I was glad to see my family after just a short time away. Gratefulness is something I often take for granted. I’ll be curious after compiling next year’s list to see how many of my items match up. I have discovered that I have very much to be thankful for in my life. I have very little that I should complain about.